Saturday, February 16, 2013

break up

lets begin ......

jatuh cinta adalah suatu siklus yang berulang . dimana kita akan melakukannya lagi , lagi , dan lagi .

siklus itu dimulai dari kenalan , pendekatan , sms-an , saling jaim , nembak , pacaran , mesra-mesraan , berantem , baikan , berantem lagi sampe akhirnya di fase yang paling akhir .

fase yang paling gak enak , fase yang membuat lo merasa kosong , fase yang bikin lo pengen ngebunuh pencipta lagu-lagu mellow . fase itu bernama perpisahan .

bentuknya bisa bermacam-macam , mulai dari putus , diputusin , cerai , menghilang tanpa kabar , lupa ingatan (kalian pasti familiar dengan ini) sampe meninggal dunia (seperti yang banyak kita tonton di sinetron atau video klip meskipun ada juga di dunia nyata). apapun namanya fase itu sangat sangat sangat tidak menyenangkan .

gue gak bakalan bohong , bagi kami kaum wanita *yang sering kalian anggap egois dan berhati dingin* fase putus itu juga gak menyenangkan . fase yang membuat lo remuk redam . yang membedakan mungkin cuma berapa lamanya waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk pulih . ada beberapa wanita yang dalam sehari udah bisa lupa . tapi bagi sebagian yang lain membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun untuk pulih kembali . untuk berani memulai semuanya kembali . untuk berani jatuh cinta lagi .

ya seperti yang kalian bisa duga kemana arahnya , gue sedang berada dalam fase itu . break up always miserable for me ………
ketika lo udah menjalin suatu hubungan yang lumayan lama , dan ketika putus bukan masalah sayang atau gak sayang lagi . tapi masalah kebiasaan . you know a part of your life was gone and makes a big hole in your heart , and that’s where the pain came from .

gak ada lagi sms-sms perhatian yang datang , gak ada lagi suara bawel yang sebenernya lo suka , sebagai pengganti alarm di pagi hari . gak ada lagi orang yang marah atau khawatir klo lo sakit , gak ada lagi partner hidup yang paling lo percaya , lebih dari temen lo sendiri …….

semua impian masa depan yang udah lo bangun hancur satu demi satu , ibarat istana pasir yang perlahan hancur disapu ombak .

you feel emptiness .
you fell pain . sometimes you even can’t breathe , because it’s too painful .

mungkin inilah salah satu alasan kenapa pacaran dilarang dalam agama gue . dengan pacaran lo ‘mengklaim’ sesuatu yang belom berhak lo miliki . dan mungkin ini jugalah yang pernah Khalil Gibran bilang ke kita semua “ketika cinta memelukmu , maka pasrahlah …. meski pedang-pedang yang tersembunyi di balik sayapnya melukaimu…”
and we just have to go trough with it . you have to live with the pain !

dan buat manusia pada umumnya mereka selalu mencari pelarian dari rasa sakit yang muncul itu . cewek biasanya bakal makan coklat atau es krim sampe teler , belanja , atau curhat sambil nangis-nangisan sama temen-temennya dan yang paling standar… ngerokok atau mabuk !
gue punya temen yang melakukan hal itu . mabuk demi melupakan mantan pacarnya . dan ya , dalam kondisi mabuk itu kalian tau nama siapa yang dia teriakkan ?
nama mantannya ………

dan ketika itulah gue sadar , everyone has a soft spot ! especially in break up .

buat gue mungkin menulis adalah jalan keluarnya . menulis bisa sedikit melegakan gue . gue lebih nyaman menuangkan perasaan gue ke dalam bentuk tulisan . karena gue tau ada pembaca note ini yang masih peduli sama gue , meskipun gue gatau nama kalian satu persatu . dan gue gatau kalian baca note ini apa engga hahaha but for everything , terima kasih J

iyasih gak langsung reda tapi at least gue punya pelarian . tapi apapun bentuknya , makan coklat atau es krim sampe teler , belanja , atau curhat sambil nangis-nangisan sama temen-temen , pelarian tetap gak bisa melupakan rasa sakitnya .

you know why ? because the only thing that can really heal a broken heart is ….. time . and as long as the pain remains , you have deal with it !
dan buat kamu ……
iya aku bakal lebih rajin minum obat .
iya aku bakal lebih rajin belajar .
iya aku bakal mencoba hidup lebih sehat .
iya aku bakal usaha lebih baik dari orang baru yang akan datang ke kamu .
iya aku bakal ‘nyata’ buat kamu dan usaha selalu ada buat kamu , tunggu aku ya J
terimakasih untuk tawa yang kamu buat .
terima kasih untuk segala perhatian dan pengertian yang kamu beri .
terimakasih untuk segalanya …..
dan pada akhirnya aku cuma bisa bilang maaf ……
maaf untuk segala sakit yang pernah aku buat .
maaf untuk segala janji yang mungkin belum sempat aku tepati .
maaf karna gak pernah ada , tapi aku akan selalu mencoba ada meskipun kamu gak pernah tau .
maaf karna aku selalu makasa kamu buat bales sms atau angkat telpon aku padahal kamu lagi ngantuk dan pengen tidur .
maaf untuk segalanya ………..

aku tau kamu lagi dalam krisis kepercayaan sama aku , dan aku mencoba mengerti semuanya . karena aku tau , ada sebagian besar dari diri kamu yang masih ‘pengen’ aku .

from now on , we will take a different path , which might be crossed once again , I don’t know . but untul then may Allah with you all the time .

now I would do most anything to get you back my side . but I just , keep on laughing hiding the tears in my eyes …. cause big girl don’t cry :’)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Poem: Tears Keep Fallling

Tears Keep Falling

I cried last night like,
I haven't cried in a while,
I laid my head down on my pillow,
And welcomed the bitter salty tears,
Of sorrow, hurt and fear.

The fear of losing my family,
The sorrow of seeing my mother cry,
The hurt of knowing,
I have done lost some part of me,
I may never get back.

The tears slide,
First one by one,
Then the dam breaks,
And they don't take turns falling anymore,
They all rush to the edge and jump

By: Vamp Chick

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Highschool of Love

Sometimes a school will really drain the energy, mind, heart and feelings, especially when we talk about the stack tasks, quizzes, final exam, and also about the future of terror is so scary. For me, sometimes the school was worse than a prison, school uniforms were far from fashionable (as cool if we had a uniform belonging Blair Waldorf on Gossip Girl), millions of rules, as well as a demanding teacher (Think of the writing of this paragraph is someone who is so lousy in school , rather than someone who is now an adult, and so at ease with the school to devote his life as a teacher: P) Honestly school is not that bad, and sometimes dramatization too necessary, lol.

But the school will be feel like a heaven when we talk about LOVE

Believe me, sometimes cute girl from the class next door is the reason we are going to school, even in the first hour you have to deal with Math or yeah maybe the reason you follow the debate club just because you fancied her the same chairman. Hey I wanted to ask, how many of us who experience first love in school? I think now I just want to write some romantic style kids love school.


The time for looking girlfriend, lyrics seniors are cute or cross-eyed girl in the seat behind you, there's a lot of silly things that happened during the orientation, like a big brother whose hobby companion law prettiest girl in the class, or seniors who become quasi celebrity thanks to his signature hunted, or make a task like a love letter on the last day for the seniors ORIENTATION. But at the end time for the event GET CLOSE ORIENTATION so, right?

2. Secret Admirer

Maybe you fancy a cool basketball captain or council chairman who cupu but cute, or maybe kids love  but because the child had a girl child basketball that jutek Cheers abis, the Chairman of the council was too busy at his organization, the child trussss Rohis weve not be going out, now you know! Sometimes be a dilemma right? Well in conditions like this ya sometimes be a reason for someone so secret admirer, but so secret admirer tuh challenging and spur creativity. Want ungkapin feeling but afraid of rejection, but it could be a desire to nunjukkin emang but not blatantly so sent me a note, a surprise, put up a shy smile papas's fitting, never experienced? Must know it feels!

3. Crush on a single young teachers

Sometimes among teachers so that there is one charming tuh, tuh could be the reason why we are so like the same lessons that we hate, for example like the cool English teacher, many of my friends who has school grounds after school end, at least not bad if CIVICS teacher is assessed, ga alOrientationt no reason try to GET CLOSE-in.

4. Estimated classmate friend

Suddenly there was a paper airplane landing on your desk that contains the message "are you gonna be my girl?" Or there may be rese boys' who acts annoying just to attract attention, or a child who keringet cold every time you senyumin him, or boys suddenly so had nyampulin skill books, or you writting a note fitting you're sick, or you ngajakin home together, now you know! You see children Orientationt likely crush you, sometimes called also seeing classmates can add vigor to learn and would be a heavy tengsin if you till have no good replay value, but it would be complicated fitting broke and already so ex.

5. Nyatain Love at Art exhibition

When Art exhibition loads are invented, sometimes Art exhibition so Orientationt ditungguin event and is considered a good time for nyatain feeling, gonna fit you nyatain romantic feelings again gigging band again sings a love song, but it would be not bad if you're in the middle of Art exhibition saying love but rejected, for a not strong mentally, do not try this for your self, believe me!

6. Graduation Day

Age reading Japanese comics, in Japan there is a tradition ask buttons fit both boys graduation day, FYI The second button of a school uniform means a token of love in Japan, why should latch number two? The answer is because it is located close to the heart.  hmmmm not know deh in Indonesia there is a desperate girl asked a boy buttons do not? But obviously for me it's one of the traditions of Japanese schoolgirl style cute and romantic.

7. Prom Night

Nothing can beat the romance on prom night; burden schools already gone, it's time to PARTY The quistions , why should the girls wear beautiful dress for what turned into a charming guys? Because this is the Orientationt special moment at the end of the school year! hey make an already long be with ya when Orientationt good heart for the ending-in, welcome to death will be remembered, was rejected? After all, not going to see you again: P
Missed a period love story for the school .... still in school, do not ever bear love story, just like the replay that can score eight instead of nine

Monday, February 4, 2013

Loving someone

Did you ever falling in love?
if yes you are a human

Loving someone is not always fun, actually if someone you love is not loving you too. There are many love story about this kind of love, no body want to hurt but if you don't love someone you will also leave him/her. That's the rule of love.

Love always wanted to belong someone, love never see that there is another one who love to love.